KADECT projects which are supported by fundraising:

  • Maintaining and developing the schools in Kashmir and The Gambia. The money raised is spent on educational materials and resources, school uniforms and transport for the children to attend school.
  • Establish a vocational training centre so the children can learn the skills needed to find employment or set up small businesses after they graduate from the school.
  • Provide on-going support for the 'Janga Busthe school bus in The Gambia at the Essau school. 

Any support you can provide will go a long way in helping the deaf children at our schools. 

Thank you for your generosity. 

Registered Office:
17 Blandford Road, St Albans, Herts, AL1 4JP

Donate via Bank Transfer

Sort Code: 40-40-01
Account Number: 21700243

IBAN: GB80HBUK40400121700243

Registered Charity Number: 1086367

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